
Treasures from Isaiah, Volume 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

In three volumes, Dr. Rod Mattoon diligently works with the text of the book of Isaiah. With careful verse-by-verse commentary, detailed word studies, and extensive cultural background study, Treasures from Isaiah Volumes 1–3 present a practical and life changing application of the biblical text for contemporary life. In addition to the verse-by-verse commentary, Mattoon provides helpful...

Have you ever seen something that was totally awesome and left you almost bewildered? Some of you have seen the Grand Canyon and have been touched by its majestic scenery. Others of you have seen the power, felt the mist, and heard the roar of Niagra Falls. For me, seeing the vastness of Chicago or Manila from a jet was quite a site. The beauty of the red mountains in Sedona, Arizona or sitting in a packed-out Busch Stadium in St. Louis to see the Cardinals play baseball was inspiring. This is where
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